Land of Smiles

Nicholas, Mommy, and Daddy are going to Thailand! This is the official story of our journey thus far. Read on...

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

On his third day of preschool Nicholas has settled into a routine of having breakfast at the hotel and taking the bus to school. When I asked him yesterday how school was, he said, "Great!". So, great!

Yesterday, Ying dropped off Nicholas at preschool, then dropped me off at the American University Alumni language school. When I took a Thai course at the University of Oregon based on the AUA system, I was very impressed by the unconventional approach to learning language based on rhythmic drills and word games. The courses at AUA Thailand are even more unconventional, but it seems to be working, as the students speak good Thai. I'm planning to take 2-3 hours of Thai language per day in Bangkok.

The image below is a shrine to Brahma and Ganesha which I walk by on the way to AUA. It's outside a big shopping mall.

Thank you all for your kind comments and for reading the blog. It's a lot of fun to take a trip in the age of the internet and digital cameras.


Blogger billimig said...

This blog is just great! We eagerly read every installment. You're seeing Bangkok and what it has to offer in a much different way than we ever saw it. It looks like Nicholas has adjusted very quickly to the new environment.

We keep reading in the paper here about the political problems of the Thai prime minister. Have you experienced any of that.

Also, do you mind if I share the blog address with non family members? I think others might be interested in your reports.


6:59 PM  
Blogger Scott Imig said...

Sure, of course you can share the blog url.

A few places were closed because of the election, and the newspapers are reporting the political crisis, but other than that, it hasn't affected us much, which is good.

I'll keep my eyes open and post if I see anything related to the political situation.

5:25 AM  

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